White money, Black genocide

The Dutch community of Ugandans is drawing attention to the financial and military support of the Dutch government for the Ugandan dictatorship. Every year, 70 millions euro’s is sent to general Museveni, who uses that money to rape, torture, abduct and kill Ugandans.

The bodies are the children of Kasese, tied and then killed by Museveni’s security forces as revenge for not voting for him during the 2016 elections.

Our demonstrations have been ignored. Foreign Affairs have listened to us and sent us away. News programs only report on Uganda if LGBT-right are at stake. But don’t the other Ugandans have human rights too?

On 4 May 2023, we will silently draw attention to genocidal regime that is sponsored by the Dutch.

The Dutch audience doesn’t know. Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs falsely informs the Parliament, and nothing is done about it. We will carrying these flyers with more information.