More TikTok & NRM censorship

Unfortunately videos from political & human rights activists are continuously being removed from TikTok.

It’s been widely reported that African Troll Farms operate from Eastern Africa. Clearly they all try to suppress video critical of the Ugandan regime.

Here is an overview of videos that TikTok removed on my second account. (my first account got removed around 29 February)

  1. On 23 April a video about the new RDC of Gomba Yiga Kyuma was removed citing “Personal Information”. It concerned a copy of his Ugandan ID that Yiga had published himself on his facebook.
  2. The video of our peaceful demonstration against Balaam on 23 August was removed citing “Dangerous acts, Harassment and bullying”
  3. My video that was posted on 21 August 2024 was taken down a couple of days later. I posted a new video about the removal “Lying @BalaamAteenyiDr & his NRM troll farms had my video removed from TikTok after it got 380.000 views. It was too damaging for them. Ugandans, let’s take back Ugandan TikTok and own it like we own Ugandan Twitter.”

4. October 2024 “Shocking and Graphic Content” A video of the attack on Bobi Wine, found on all Social Media platforms, including TikTok itself, was removed from my account.

5. 16 October 2024 “Hate Speech & Hateful behaviors”

White Silence, Black Genocide

Silent Protest on 4 May 2024

Last year on 4 May 2023 the Ugandan community protested peacefully and silently during the Second World War Memorial on Dam Square.

“Black Genocides Matter” refers to the Dutch government financially supporting a genocidal regime that is responsible for ethnic cleansing in Kasese, Karamoja & Northern Uganda and the November 2020 massacre.

The Ugandan community supports the commemoration and
the two minutes of silence, but protests the permanent silence of the West when it comes to genocides committed under the Ugandan regime support by Europe & USA. Vladimir Putin has been indicted by the ICC after the massacre of Bucha and other atrocities in Ukraine, but the dictator of Uganda Yoweri Museveni who is responsible for more deaths is not.

Last year the Amsterdam police was taken by surprise by our peaceful protest and illegally confiscated & destroyed most of our placards, for which they later accepted to pay damages. Fortunately, the only placards that remained were well visible on television.

But 7 October changed everything.

The genocide in Gaza is getting a lot of attention (contrary to the Ugandan genocides) and exposes the hypocrisy of the West. Just like the unarmed civilians of Gaza, Ugandans are facing weapons supplied by the West.

It’s very unfortunate how the Dutch government is restricting peaceful protest. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right.

Moreover, the Uganda community has the right the table the issue of Western support for African dictators. Human rights are ignored for geopolitical interests and access to African minerals. The Dutch media are failing to cover this subject.

We refer to the neo-colonial policy that impoverishes a whole continent and leads to silent genocides as AFROCIDE.

TikTok censorship & removal of my account

TikTok has become a battle place for the struggle since so many Ugandans have signed up for this social network. It’s known that TikTok censors content, but not being on TikTok is not an option.

In December I started to post under my handle @drnico256. Quickly I started to gain followers, but likely also attract Ugandan government operatives ‘reporting’ the videos I posted. On 27 February my account was suspended.

As a result of this, important videos relating to Human Rights abuses in Uganda are no longer available.

93k video exposes Moses Ssimbwa, a fake victim of Human Rights abuses who was paraded by the regime during NRM day in an attempt to downplay human rights abuses reports and discredit the National Unity Platform.

33.7k video is part of a live where Olivia Lutaaya was discussed; a human rights activist / political prisoner who has been on remand for 4 years now.

32.9k video is my first TikTok that went viral and covers a one-man pothole protest in the Netherlands.

39.8k video highlights international hypocrisy when it only mentions Uganda when it comes to their own favorite subjects like Ukraine or Palestine.

17.1k video is a report from a protest held at Dam Square Amsterdam by the National Unity Platform.

Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines are important to keep a platform a safe place. However, Tiktok has allowed these Guidelines to be abused by Ugandan regime operatives to have content removed that exposes the Ugandan dictatorship.

Below I’m lising various excuses that were used to ban my videos

  1. Hate Speech.

In reaction to a hateful comment, I replied in a friendly way. Twitter does not consider it hateful. It has 3k views.

2. Civic and Election Integrity

The video is a screenrecording of a Twitter Space with EC spokesperson Paul Bukenya. It continues to be available on X/Twitter without any issues:

3. Nudity and Body exposure

It is understood that TikTok does not want naked body parts. But even after hiding those naked parts, Tiktok hid my video from the ‘For you’ feed, meaning it loses up to 90% of it’s visibility.

Another video that was removed claiming ‘Nudity’ was our submission of Ugandan Human Rights violations to the ICC in The Hague. The bum of Alexandria Marinos is hardly recognizable. Also this removal is an exaggerated application of the Community Guidelines, and the video continues to be available on X.

4. Synthetic and Manipulated Media

This is by far the weirdest warning I got from TikTok: “AI can make it more difficult distinguish between fact and fiction”. The video is a report about a demonstration in Brussels, and images have been added using TikTok’s own Toolkit. No Artificial Intelligence is used to construct this video.

The video is available on X:

5. Dangerous activities and Challenges / Shocking & Graphic Content

On 27 February a video was widely shared of a Ugandan demonstrator being run over by a government car.

Since TikTok warned me about the original clip that shows the moment of impact, I removed that moment.

TikTok does not apply it’s guidelines consistently, since multiple videos including the moment of impact remain visible on TikTok. Example

Statement on NUP protest at NIMD event 29-Feb

On 29 Feb 2024 members of the Dutch chapter of the National Unity Platform (NUP) attended a meeting organised by the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy and started a surprise protest.

On various occasions the NUP has protested against the cooperation of NIMD with the Ugandan dictatorship; the most notable being the protest on July 1st 2022. A couple of months later NIMD decided to stop supporting the much-hated Interparliamentary Dialogue (IPOD).

However, NIMD has continued to operate in Uganda. The NUP has the following objections.

  1. The certification of NIMD says it applies to ‘young democracies’. Uganda has been under dictatorial rule for 38 years.
  2. In media expressions of events organised by NIMD, the contributions of opposition leaders were stripped of direct criticism on the dictatorship, and specifically the word ‘dictator’.
  3. The youth leader of the National Unity Platform, honorable Francis Zaake has told us never to have been invited to any NIMD event. Zaake is known to be a very vocal critic.
  4. The NIMD applies two measures when it comes to democracy. In 2020/2021 elections were rigged in Belarus and in Uganda. Only in the case of Belarus did the NIMD express it’s concerns. Scientific research has shown that African elections are treated differently by Western observers as other elections.
  5. NIMD & Dutch embassy organise youth events with the idea of empowering the young generation. However, during the elections of 2021 the youth massively voted for Bobi Wine, which has been well documented. Youth were massively abducted & tortured. Because of election rigging dictator Museveni remained in charge. We regard these youth events that do not refer to the 2021 elections, and do not refer to youth political prisoners, as a part of the whitewashing of the dictatorship.
  6. On 23 February Sharon Kemigisha was abducted. She participated in the ‘National Youth Symposium’ on 21 February. She remains incomunicado to this very day and is likely raped & tortured. Why does NIMD not take an interest in this?
  7. Because of the issues we see with NIMD, the NUP decided not to participate in the Leadership training. Many of the students were from NRM, the party of the dictator, who proudly tweeted (see below)
  8. We have reason to believe that NRM is effectively controlling the NIMD office in Uganda. For example, the Dutch board of NIMD was not aware that Frank Ruso, the previous country director, was a former Electoral Commission member and NRM member.

One year ago the board of NIMD decided that they wish to end communication with the Dutch/European representative(s) of NUP.

We think this is not in the interest of dialogue; we would prefer to have a private meeting to see which of the above issues can be resolved. Our protest of 29 February was a cry for attention.

Supporters of the Ugandan people

When we receive information that foreign individuals have used their influence in any kind of way to *really* help the Ugandan people by addressing issues of human rights violations, they are added to this supporters list.

Some of these people are ambassadors of regimes supporting this dictator. They may have limited possibilities to help the Ugandan People, but have tried to help victims of Human Rights violations.

Ambassador Signe Winding Albjerg, Denmark
Ambassador Maria Håkansson
Ambassador of Sweden to Uganda

Whitewashers of torture & genocide by the M7 regime

The following people have enabled the Museveni regime by supporting him, visiting him, attending conference with him while being silent about his human rights abuses, or in any other way whitewashed his dictatorship.

Most are, indeed, white.

Persons are moved to the list ‘Supporters of the Ugandan People’ after issuing a public apology, canceling their attendance, or any other credible support for the victims of genocide, torture, rape & abductions in Uganda.



Andrea Clerici, director EIB. Spoke with M7 at EU-Biz forum

Clinton, Fernandes. Boardmember of Eur Business Council
Filippo Amato, First Counsellor, Head of the Trade Section, EU Delegation to Kenya
Theo Vos, Social entrepreneur and co-founder of Kara-Tunga
Jan Sadek, leader of EU delegation
Eamon Gilmore, high commission of Human Rights, met with Elwelu, the butcher of Kasese.
UB40 stars Ali Campbell and Robin Campbell in row ahead of sold out concert  at Rochester Castle
Ali Campbell, former singer of UB40, agreed to not discuss Human Rights &Homosexuality in order to get a concert in Uganda.

Prinses Anne of United Kingdom
Florent Geerts, director of Delft Imaging, speaker at Eu Biz conference with M7
Akon tells Museveni: I want to invest my resources in Uganda. It is the  best for investment, says M7 - YouTube
Akon, US artist, visited Museveni in April 2021.


The Ugandan community is disappointed by Ali Campbell performing in Uganda on 21 Dec. The concert is organised by dictator Museveni to divert attention from thousands of activists, women & children being MURDERED, TORTURED, ABDUCTED or RAPED.

Ugandan Human Rights Commission & GANHRI

Stop Whitewashing Torture & Abductions!

From Monday 6 November until Wednesday 8 November the Global Assocation of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) will gather in Copenhagen, Denmark.

GANHRI supplies UHRC and many other non-functional African human rights organisations with “A-status”, while at the same time it removed Russia as a member. Again this confirms that white people have more human rights than black people.

This double standards on Human Rights has to stop!

The National Unity Platform will demonstrate against this Whitewashing of Ugandan Torture & Abductions by GANHRI & UHRC. Below it is explained why the UHRC does not comply with the so-called Paris principles.

  1. In 2021, author Kakwenza suffered an arrest, prolonged isolation, and brutal torture at the hands of Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the son of Ugandan dictator Museveni. Shockingly, annual reports have remained conspicuously silent on this issue. An initial UHRC tweet describing ‘scars and injuries’ was mysteriously removed, casting doubts on the independence of the commission.
  2. Regrettably, several well-documented cases of torture, such as those of Samuel Masereka, Ziggy Wine, Muhammad Ssegirinya, Robert Kyagulanyi, and countless others, are noticeably absent from the annual UHRC reports.
  3. A report from the NUP outlining 18 cases of disappeared opposition members has been unjustly labeled as ‘questionable’ by the UHRC without providing any substantiated evidence.
  4. The infamous ‘November massacre,’ in which security forces allegedly killed over 54 unarmed civilians following the arrest of presidential candidate Kyagulanyi, remains unexamined in any of the annual UHRC reports.
  5. Shockingly, torture techniques in Uganda, including beatings with iron bars, whippings, burnings with hot flat irons, (anal) rape, genital torture, waterboarding, nail pulling, and flesh removal with pliers, have gone unaddressed by the UHRC.
  6. Despite the UHRC’s stated mandate that suspects should be brought to court within 48 hours, it’s deeply concerning that hundreds of opposition supporters have been held incommunicado in ungazetted prisons, with no accountability.
  7. Alarming statements from the UHRC chairlady suggest a desire to amend torture laws like the “Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act” to allow security forces greater leeway in protecting themselves.
  8. Equally concerning is the revelation that some commission members have been observed carrying firearms to their meetings, further undermining the commission’s perceived impartiality.
  9. Disturbingly, the selection of UHRC members appears to prioritize loyalty to the regime over a track record in civil society or human rights. Instances of members like Simeo Nsubuga, a supporter of Muhoozi Kainerugaba, threatening opposition leaders, and Jackline Atuhaire’s involvement in a murder case, raise serious questions.
  10. The troubling case of peaceful activist Nana Mwafrika, who was arrested along with her 14- and 2-year-old children when she sought to protest Kakwenza’s abduction at the UHRC, underscores the dismissive stance taken by the commission toward valid complaints.

Demonstration 5 Aug ’23 Western hypocrisy: Do only Ugandan LGBT have human rights?

Announcement of demonstration during Gay Pride, Amsterdam, 5 August

Human Rights are Universal, but not in the eyes of Western countries

For decades Ugandans have pointed out to the United States & Europe how the dictatorship of Yoweri Museveni violates human rights. Still, they decide to continue their financial and military support of the dictatorship.

Ssebyara Majibu is not homosexual. This is the reason why the Western donors of the AMISOM peace force in Somalia took no interest when he was tortured by Ugandan soldiers and the picture below was taken.

As a result of his torture Ssebyara is now impotent. Because he complained about his treatment, his torturers then accused him of theft. A Ugandan judge sentenced him to 20 years in cell.

All of this was no reason for the Dutch and other European governments to stop their support of the rotten Ugandan judicial system. They even financed Kitalya prison, where thousands of opposition members were tortured.

According to the National Unity Platform all humans have the same Human Rights. We object against the double standards that the West are applying.

The Western governments and press fail to understand that Yoweri Museveni is playing with them. Since Uganda has no Rule-of-law, this law is a just a piece of useless paper. Top officials in Ugandan government are homosexual, and none of them will be arrested. Museveni needs to distract the attention from rampant corruption and state violence.

Just this weekend 137 Ugandan soldiers were killed in Somalia in an attack by Al-Shabaab. It’s a reflection of how Uganda is turning into a failed state, that’s not even able to pay it’s own soldiers, while Museveni and his friends put the millions of dollars that the west is sending for AMISOM in their own pockets.

It’s a good decision to stop the financing of the Ugandan dictator, but the moment is wrong and shows a disregard for all human rights.

To highlight the hypocrisy of the west when it comes to Human Rights, the Dutch chapter of the National Unity Platform will be demonstrating during the Gay Parade in Amsterdam of Saturday 5 August 2023.

During the 4 May War Commemoration the Dutch chapter had a similar demonstration to expose the Western hypocrisy. They held up placards with the text “White Money, Black Genocide” showing the children killed in Kasese, Western Uganda in 2016.

On 5 August, we will be carrying the torture pictures of private Ssebyara Majibu, whose torture was financed by the Western donors.