White money, Black genocide

The Dutch community of Ugandans is drawing attention to the financial and military support of the Dutch government for the Ugandan dictatorship. Every year, 70 millions euro’s is sent to general Museveni, who uses that money to rape, torture, abduct and kill Ugandans.

The bodies are the children of Kasese, tied and then killed by Museveni’s security forces as revenge for not voting for him during the 2016 elections.

Our demonstrations have been ignored. Foreign Affairs have listened to us and sent us away. News programs only report on Uganda if LGBT-right are at stake. But don’t the other Ugandans have human rights too?

On 4 May 2023, we will silently draw attention to genocidal regime that is sponsored by the Dutch.

The Dutch audience doesn’t know. Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs falsely informs the Parliament, and nothing is done about it. We will carrying these flyers with more information.

8 February 2023: Demonstration at NIMD Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy

On Wednesday 8 February 2023 the Ugandan opposition will demonstrate at NIMD. Their activities have not contributed to democracy but only strengthened the position of the dictator.

The central problem is the country manager of NIMD, Frank Rusa. In it’s actions and expressions NIMD in Uganda does not appear to be neutral, but rather indirectly supporting the dictatorship

  1. Just after the violent and rigged elections of January 14th 2021 NIMD put out the following tweet and statement suggesting the violence came from two sides. Over a 100 Ugandans lost their lives.
  1. According to their certification, the dialogue model of NIMD is only applicable in young democracies. But independent parties such as freedom house do not qualify Uganda as a democracy or young democracy, but as a authoritarian regime.
  2. Frank Rusa, the country representative of NIMD was a (former?) active member of NRM. He later became Head of Legal of the Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission is one of the most loyal institutions to the Museveni dictatorship. Members and personnel of the EC are appointed by Museveni himself.
  3. Thijs Berman at first denied angrily that Rusa was connected to the Electoral Commission, referring to it as ‘accusations’. When screenshots were shared of Rusa’s LinkedIn profile, showing he was Head of Legal of the EC, Thijs Berman changed the story. Rusa had indeed been working for the commission, but was no member of the EC and those appointments are not political. An expert that we spoke to reacted to the distinction that Berman made with laughter.
  4. After a demonstration had taken place at NIMD head quarters, this is what Thijs Berman had to say about NIMD silence of 2 MPs, Ssegirinya and Ssewanyana, being locked up for years by the dictator on bogus charges.

NIMD task is to promote democracy through dialogue, and parliament is the most important place for this. Removing 2 MPs from this dialogue is a mayor democratic intrusion and can be disregarded as a ‘social justice’ issue.

6. NIMD organised a youth symposium where it invited youth leaders of all political parties. However, Francis Zaake, the well-known leader of the Youh of NUP was not invited. Francis Zaake is known as one of the most outspoken critics of the dictatorship. He critized the dictatorship in parliament, which led to him being removed from parliament functions.

7. During this youth symposium there were presentations by Anne Adeka, Doreen Nyanjura & David Lewis Rubongoya. The twitter account of NIMD gave a false impression of what these speakers had said.

We asked Nyanjura if this was a good summary and she told us “Lol, of course it’s not. Missed so many words [..] that’s why I never retweeted it”

We spoke to David Lewis Rubongoya. His reaction: “I never said that”. The argument of age discrimation has been used to change the constitution illegally to keep Museveni in power. Only a Museveni fan could write something like that without feeling the painful memories of the violence used to remove Age Limit from the constituion.

An MP called Betty Nambooze got disabled after being attacked in Parliament by Security Forces that had promised her they would break her back if she opposed the Age Limit reform. NIMD never said anything about this.

8. After clearly indicating we wanted to submit a complaint with NIMD about their country manager Frank Rusa we were referred the very same man to submit that complaint.

Danish support for Museveni’s human rights abuses

Denmark is highly respected when it comes to Human Rights and Democracy. However, the Danish government is supporting the brutal, violent Ugandan dictatorship.

The Danish embassy, the MFA, and development cooperation know about this and choose to remain silent. However, they continue to morally and financially support a dictator responsible for 100.000s of deaths. The reason for this is geopolitical, Uganda hosts 1.5 million refugees and contributes the AMISOM peace project in Somalia. The Ugandan dictator has repeatedly threatened to end this support.

For example, the Danes support the sham organisation “Ugandan Human Rights Committee”. In it’s report this UHRC states “Uganda’s record of respecting human rights is a household reality”. 

This week, the Danish ambassador Signe Winding Albjerg went to the sham UHRC and complimented on their work.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 11-54-33 Signe Winding Albjerg on Twitter.png

After Ugandans started to confront the ambassador with photos of the many human rights abuses, she closed the comment section on her tweet (see screenshot)

In the past, Denmark has seldomly spoken out to the defense of human rights victims, to mention a few Muhammed Ssegirinya, Alan Ssewanyana, Olivia Lutaaya.

The only exception is  Kakwenza Rukirabashaija. He’s a writer who was severely tortured by the son of the dictator, Muhoozi, because of a tweet. Only after the torture had already ended, the EU came out with a press statement that resulted in his release. He fled to Germany and became my friend. The photo of his back shows the grave torture he endured.


The Danish government should know how corrupt the Ugandan government is, and even the Ugandan embassy right under their nose in Copenhagen. In 2020, an audio leaked of a Zoom call in which the staff of the Ugandan embassy discussed sharing the unspent money to their private accounts.

Stolen Elections Commemoration

On 14 January we will commemorate 2 years after the stolen election of 14 January 2021.

The program is the following:

15.00 CET Start (9.00 Eastern, 14.00 UK, 17.00 Kampala)

15.05 Opening by Allimadi

15.15 Jolly Mugisha (NUP Western)

15.30 Dan Magic (Kitalya victim)

15.35 Movie Stolen Elections

15.40 Book ‘Rigged’ by Dr. Nico Schoonderwoerd

15.50 Dr. Lina Zedriga (NUP Northern)

16.00 Bruce Afran (Lawyer Bobi Wine)

16.15 Marco de Swart (DGF)

16.30 Malte Gallee (Member Eur Parl)

16.45 David Lewis (NUP Secretary General)

17.00 Harriet Nakweede (NUP Kayunga)

17.10 Questions from the Audience

Belgium demonstrations

8 October Ghent

The Ugandan Embassy, representing the torturous NRM is celebrating ‘independence day’.

We will not accept that Miriam Blaak and other Ugandan officials will be white-washing the crimes of the Ugandan dictatorship.

As can be seen the activities above are free of charge because this is event is paid for with blood money coming from the dictator.

The police of Ghent has been informed about our demonstrations.

10 October Brussels

  • demonstration at the Ugandan Embassy Brussels led by criminal Miriam Blaak
  • offering petition to the European Council at their EEAS office
  • meeting our friends at European Parliament

Times to be announced


Refusal of NUP to German Foreign Office Conference

Good morning!

Yesterday we, the Uganda opposition, were refused access to participate in this important conference about Strenghening Democratic Institutions in Africa, organised by the German Foreign Office. We find this strange as 45 million Ugandans are (unfortunately) very experienced with flawed institutions. We have not seen any representatives of other African opposition movements either. This is why our banner says:

Don’t talk ABOUT US without INCLUDING US

With us is also Dr. Nico Schoonderwoerd, EU ambassador for the National Unity Platform, which represent 60% of the Ugandan population. In his book Rigged he provides evidence of the election rigging and excessive violence by dictator Museveni. We have copies with us.

The Ugandan dictator Museveni has been in power for 36 years. He took part in wars in Congo, Rwanda, Sudan which resulted in the deaths of about 7 million Africans. He’s the African Hitler. Thousands of people have disappeared. Hundred thousands of girls have been raped. Writer Kakwenza, who was heavily tortured by the son of dictator Museveni, found exile in Germany, but many Ugandans still suffer and are tortured in safe houses. All of this leads to hardly any critism by the G7 countries. The Ugandan dictator could not stay in power without the financial and military support of them. Is this viewpoint not allowed in this conference?

The reason why we are demonstrating is that we would like to talk to you. So feel free to approach us. If you dont have time now, you can do it later.

NUP EU ambassador
Dr. Nico Schoonderwoerd
Twitter: klup

NUP Germany coordinator
+49 173 1897821
Twitter: nup_de

Africans led into Arab slavery

This article presents resources on the ongoing abuse of migrant workers from African countries such as Uganda and Kenya in Arab countries.

Case 1: Diana Chepkemoi who was starved to death in Saudi Arabia

NUP Diaspora welcomes EU parliament resolution on EACOP

Dear members of the European Parliament,

We thank you very much for your motion for a resolution RC-B9-0409/2022 of Thursday 15 September 2022 in which you address the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Ugandans and Tanzanians without proper compensation, and of the gross human rights violations in the name of the EACOP project.

Also in February 2021 you had a powerful resolution condemning the violence by the Ugandan government, asking for an audit into the (rigged) elections results, and requesting Magnitsky sanctions against human rights violators.


Your motion has reminded the world of the atrocities in our beautiful country. In Uganda everyone, and especially political activists, suffer under the dictatorship of Yoweri Museveni. Whether you are fighting for democracy and honest elections, or whether you fight for the environment of Uganda and against climate change.

The Ugandan government propaganda machine has come out to condemn your motion for a resolution. The deputy speaker of the Ugandan parliament Thomas Tayebwa (who is on video torturing an electricity company employee) pretends to be speaking on behalf of the Ugandan people, but he only speaks on behalf of corrupt NRM MPs, who used violence and bribes financed by IMF & Worldbank loans to secure their seat in parliament. 

All these propagandists fail to answer the issues you raise in your motion. Tayebwa speaks about the sovereignty of Uganda, but it is the government of Museveni that squanders the resources of Uganda by only having 15% of the shares in the EACOP project. Even the profits of that 15% will mostly go into the pockets of the dictator or be used to buy more weapons to suppress the Ugandan people.

In your motion you are asking Total and the Ugandan and Tanzanian authorities to come up with an alternative, preferably using sustainable energy. It’s important to understand that dictatorships have no interest in the well-being of their people. They don’t suffer from the dramatic effects of climate change and their homes will not be destroyed for building this pipeline. Just like they don’t suffer from the present famine in Karamoja, they really don’t care about human life. They will therefore ignore your request.

This is why you have to urge the European Commission and European nations to stop supporting the dictatorship financially and militarily. 

Reference: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0321_EN.pdf