Bobi Wine parliament address & demonstrations 14-15 September

14 September 2022

Bobi Wine will address the Dutch parliament about the human rights situation in Uganda. The Netherlands are a big (financial) support of the Museveni regime, and therefore it’s importance the Dutch lawmakers are informed how their taxpayers money is squandered on an African dictator.

12.00 Meet at Dutch Parliament

13.00 – 14.00 Wttewaall van Stoetwegenzaal of Dutch parliament

The representative of NUP and a representative from HRW will speak for 15 minutes, after which the Dutch MPs have 45 minutes to ask questions.

After the meeting we’ll continue for demonstrations at 3 countries that import slavery workers from Uganda and send them back in coffins.


15.00 Demonstration at Saudi embassy

15.40 Demonstration at Qatar embassy

16.20 UAE embassy

Then we will walk to the embassy of the country that support the dictatorship with spy technology & weapons.

16.45 Israel embassy

To finalize this first day, we’ll go to the International Criminal Court.

17.30-19.00 ICC celebration of the dictator’s birthday

The president has changed his birthday to stay in power. We want to commemorate the Ugandan suffering by signing for the dictator

“Happy incarceration to you, incarceration dictator, incarceration to you”

15 September 2022

On Thursday we’ll be travelling to Brussels to pick-up comrade Kakwenza at European Commission.

At 12.00 we’ll offer a petition to the European commission

At 15.00 we have scheduled to demonstrate at the Ugandan embassy and sign our “Happy Incarceration” song another time for Mirjam Blaak, the embassador of Uganda to the Benelux and to the European Union.

Open letter to Rotary chairwoman Mrs. Jones

Dear Mrs. Jones & colleagues at the Rotary,

The National Unity Platform is happy for the interest that you have shown in Uganda and for your investments into the failed Ugandan health sector.

However, by participating in a propaganda show by the Ugandan dictatorship you allow for the suffering of the Ugandan people to be extended.

It’s the present dictatorship that Mrs Jones shook hands with that wasted the health sector of Uganda to an extent that the dictator and his friends go abroad for healthcare treatment.  It’s this dictatorship that is responsible for 1 in 20 babies dying.

In 1940, the Rotary convention formulated the following powerful message:

 “where freedom, justice, truth, sanctity of the pledged word, and respect for human rights do not exist, Rotary cannot live nor its ideal prevail.”

In Uganda there’s no freedom, no justice, no truth and no respect for human rights. Why have you diverted from your strong stance on human rights?

Mrs Jones met with prime minister Nabbanja, who is known to be behind the violent rigging of elections in Uganda and was caught on camera bribing voters. Also she met with Janet Museveni, the wife of the dictator who is responsible for the death of 6 million lives in Uganda, Congo, Rwanda & South-Sudan.

We are not saying you should withdraw your charity from Uganda. However, any activity should be in agreement with a thorough human rights policy, should never have a negative impact on the people of Uganda, and should be made together with the people of Uganda and not with the dictatorship.

The National Unity Platform represents 60% of the Ugandans (see report ‘Rigged’ on last elections) and would like to discuss this subject further with you.

Best regards,

NUP Diaspora

Muwada visit to Dubai

Spent wednesday night on Dubai streets with Stranded Ugandans sleeping daily in open spaces,grass & streets mostly at Baniyas square & Union metro station,Deira,UAE.Several of these are uganda youths ,mostly girls and women plus several males.Majority claim they were defrauded by Uganda External recruitment companies ,falsely promised jobs and dropped on streets of Dubai & UAE with short visas which many times expire before getting jobs.Each day of expired visa attract heavy fines and renewing require equally payment. These youths have no coin even for personal survival. its a tragedy. Some of these are stranded maids & claim they were chased by agents after arrival in UAE deceived of jobs and the same agents confiscate passports demanding huge ransom to release passports.Uganda based external recruitment companies have not assisted these stranded ugandans either.Many stranded young girls with no alternative hope resort to prostitution as only way of survival, with no document,no work,no house,no job,no money & neither has Uganda Government assisted much.The Uganda embassy claim it lacks adequate resources to continuously rescue & bail out thousands of stranded ugandans. Revealed that many times it rely on well wishers, pro bono and even for those in detention the embassy claimed to largely rely on among others UAE government seasonal offers for stranded noncitizens plus seasonal UAE pardon which is mostly granted in Ramadhan and Eid times. Embassy claim they lack funding to offer full legal support to the detained. I learnt several arrive or are trafficked &delivered to UAE by Uganda recruitment companies on short visit visas with promises that they get jobs while in UAE.I listened to several touching stories of young ugandans mostly youths and girls suffering,homeless and with lost hope. Even those who want to secure new passports & reapply for work permits or return cant afford application fees of 250,000/- and cant even afford transport to Uganda Embassy in Abu dhabi. The Uganda Consulate allegedly established in Dubai had a lot of issues l will mention another time. I learnt that Uganda Embassy established one reception centre for the stranded but it cant handle even a quarter of the accomodations & feeding needs of the thousands of Ugandan youth stranded in UAE.I noted from testimonies that some of the stranded Ugandans want assistance to return home and some want assistance to normalize their legal status with a possibility of securing alternative employment. Those insisting to remain amidst being stranded on streets claim they have no hope of alternative survival back home in uganda. Some claim to have left uganda after selling even the little they had to meet charges of external labor recruitment companies and air tickets. The sense of frustration and loss of hope among thousands of uganda youths is real ,they have been left helpless and hopeless. They live without certainty of tomorrow. They carry their bags daily and some claim all clothes and belonging were confiscated by former bosses.I found many spending part of their night in small groups praying with hope of mighty intervention in their frustrations. I want to join them in saying Amen. There is one special lady l found awake sitting on chair at Union Metro Station who told me she stays awake to offer protection to her many ugandans sleeping in the open space and she in turn sleep during day. I recalled that amidst all challenges ,some one some where sacrifice for others to survive.This was a touching inspiration.We shall keep trying what we can in pursuing options but this obviously need you and me and/or us as people.


Pesacheck is a joke

We have written about the problems with Pesacheck before. They refuse to factcheck Ugandan government lies.

The bad fact-checking is not limited to Uganda. Also in Kenya their factchecking is of poor quality. One problem that Pesacheck has is they dont understand humor.

We ask Deutsche Welle & Code 4 Africa, who financially sponsor Pesacheck, if it was their intention to fact-check jokes.

Joke 1: Kibuye roundabout

Frank Gashumba is making fun of the terrible state of the Ugandan infrastructure. Many projects are unfinished. There’s so much corruption that the costs are enormous. That’s why Gashumba posted this photo of a roundabout in China. Pesacheck says it’s false. It’s clearly a joke.

Joke 2: UDA flag on the moon (9 August 2022)

Chepkerio Mtetezi posted this photo of UDA, the political party of William Ruto, planting a flag on the moon.

Joke 3: Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport has not been renamed to HUEN (28 February 2022)

Of course it has not really been renamed like this. This joke puts attention to the growing economic power of the Chinese and their loan to Entebbe airport gives them so much power, they could even make this name change if they really wanted! Pesacheck didn’t understand that.

Joke 4: Photo of Cristiano Ronaldo wearing Uganda’s People Power Movement colours is doctored (27 October 2020)

Of course he didn’t. But Pesacheck had to fill their website.

NRM Criminal Organisation

Although the National Resistance Movement (NRM) claims to be a democratic organisation, in the 36 years that it has been in power in Uganda it has never transferred power to another party. NRM leader Museveni made clear during recent elections that it’s not the people of Uganda who decide: “NRM has the last word

NRM came to power, still known as the NRA (National Resistance Army), by the sword, killing thousands of Ugandans. When the NRM was in power, it was determined to stay in power and only pressure from donor countries made it adapt multiparty democracy. However, according to factcheckers site Pesacheck none of the organised elections were free & fair. Organising zombie elections was the perfect compromise for the NRM to stay in power while keeping donor countries happy.

Also within the NRM itself no opposition to the leadership of Yoweri Museveni is accepted. Now that Museveni gets older he wants his son Muhoozi Kainerugaba to take over. His former NRA fighters were not happy about that and in 2013 General David Sejusa wrote an article in the Daily Monitor describing the project of launching Muhoozi to power and coining the term ‘Project Muhoozi’. The office of the Daily Monitor was blocked for days and General Sejusa had to flee the country.

The Ugandan constitution did not allow for anyone to serve more than two terms, so Museveni intimidated parliament and changed the constitution. Later, he ran into the ‘age limit’, and also that article was lifted from the constitution. Again, he used violence, intimidation and bribery. MP Betty Nambooze was tortured inside parliament and still has to use a wheelchair.

Important positions in the government are not given on the basis of qualifications and elections, but are given to friends & family. His wife Janet is the minister of Education, his son Muhoozi leads the army.

In-fighting is necessary to become part of the group. NRM primary elections are decided by intimidation, bribery and violence, such as in Isingiro that saw a violent struggle between Stephen Kangwagye and Dr. Mpeirwe.

Violence,Torture and Corruption

The non-democratic, corrupt and violent nature of the NRM is also shown by the many crimes that key members of NRM have been involved in.

  1. NRM president Museveni and former NRM foreign minister Sam Kutesa have accepted 500.000 USD bribes from Chinese investor Ho according to American department of Justice.
  2. NRM president Museveni commented on the torture of Bobi Wine that he was ‘appropriately beaten‘. The torture was likely ordered by Museveni.
  3. NRM commander of the land forces Muhoozi, the son of Museveni, had Ugandan writer Kakwenza picked up from his house and tortured after Kakwenza posted tweets about Muhoozi and Museveni..
  4. NRM deputy speaker of parliament Tayebwa has tortured an employee of the UMEME electricity company and was caught on video.
  5. NRM speaker of parliament Anita Among mocked torture survivor Francis Zaake after he competed in a sport competition.
  6. NRM prime minister gave out bribes in the by-election of Kayunga according to dozens of locals interviewed by BBS.

At every level the NRM is a violent and criminal organisation. The book ‘Rigged’ about the 2021 Ugandan elections documents this very well.

Museveni lies about diaspora

During his national address on 23 May 2022, Yoweri Museveni also spoke about the diaspora.

Uganda generated a big diaspora.
Mainly because of our stagnant history
Many people ran away during the time of Amin, UPC.
They went abroad during the time of (..) & Obote
They stayed there, they have had children, they have a big group there.
But sometimes they get all sorts of…
Good political ideas but also bad political ideas
So the ESO officer should monitor them, should link up with them
and diffuse… the negative and encourage the positive.
That should be part of his mandate.

As can be seen in this clip posted by @USA_NUP(

On this website we find data to which countries Ugandans have emigrated:

If you look around the diaspora community in countries like US, UK, Germany & Netherlands you see that most are first generation immigrants in the age group 20-45. They left Uganda when Museveni was already president.

The remark by Museveni, saying that people in majority fled to the diaspora under his predecessors, is nonsense.

2nd NUP diaspora conference


Amsterdam, 30 June – 3 July

Re-energizing the struggle

Registration: 270
(£227, $297)
The registration only becomes final once the full payment is received


Thu 30 JuneArrival day

19.00 “Freedom of Expression” night at Pakhuis de Zwijger.

Ugandan writers & artists will go into discussion with Ugandans & Dutch about the importance of this Freedom.

Hosts: Erik van der Zande & Nico Schoonderwoerd

Kakwenza Rukirabashaija
Nubian Li
Johnson Ssentamu
Mathias Mpuuga
Fri, 1 JulyDemonstration day

8.00 Departure from Amsterdam

9.30 The Hague (International Court of Justice)
11.00 NIMD (organisers IPOD)

14.00 Brussels (European Union)

Bus Transport: 50 ( £42, $54) if you’re not going by car

19.00 Coordinators meeting at Grand Hotel
Sat, 2 JulyDiscussion day

Rhone Events, Rhoneweg 12, Amsterdam
9.00 Key notes:
His Excellency Robert Kyagulanyi,
Kakwenza Rukirabashija


Dr. Lina Zedriga,
Robert Amsterdam,
David Lewis Rubongoya,
Nubian Li,
Alex Waiswa,
Honourable Mathias Mpuuga,
Honourable Muwada Nkunyingi,
and many more

More information here:

18.00 Dinner
21.00 – 5.00 CONCERT (included in registration fee)
Sun, 3 JulyAmsterdam Canals Tour Day
Included in registration fee.

15.00 – 17.30 Amsterdam Canals Tour
(passing Red Light District, Anne-Frank House)

Canal tour only tickets: 80
Hotel arrangementGrand Hotel Amstelveen
Bovenkerkerweg 81, 1187 XC Amstelveen

Booking code: Ppconf2022
Single room:  93 (£78, $102)
Double room: 126 (£106, $139, limited avail.)

People that want to book hotel should email

To register:

To pay the Conference fee there are 3 options:

  1. Transfer 250 to IBAN account: NL92 BUNQ 2068 8589 32 (
  2. Creditcard / Apple pay / Google Pay: Click here
  3. Tikkie (Dutch) Click here for Tikkie

The registration only becomes final once the full payment is received.

Participants that require a visa will be sent a visa recommendation after full payment has been received. There’s a refund policy of 50% in case the visa is denied, to be paid back after the conference.

Fine print:

  • Prices in pounds and dollars are indicative, your payment company may charge differently.
  • All indicated times are indicative and subject to change
  • Attendance of speakers dependent on Covid situation, visa issuance, & other circumstances.

Organisational Committee

Chair: Susan Nabuti

Finance: Nico Schoonderwoerd

Active Members: Evelyn Nakibuuka (Minnesota), David Steel (UK), Nature Muyanja, Erik van der Zanden, Kenneth Mujuni (Belgium), Thimaud de Driesen, Yasmine Mayanja, Stephen Lutwama, Barbara Batesaki, Henry Kawuma (Belgium), Lina Zedriga (Uganda).

We support Ukraine!

Have people noted that Kaguta Museveni has not spoken out against invasion of Ukraine? He did strongly object to various Coup d’états that are toppling dictators across Africa. But Putin also wants to commit a Coup in Kiev and remove the democratically chosen president.

It’s important to understand that not only UK & France were mayor colonizers in 19th century, but also Russia. Rather than giving the colonies independence like what happened in rest of the world, they created the superstate Sovjet-Union, where Russia was in control.

Next to the Sovjet-Union were their puppet dictators in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria & more. Democratic movements there were crushed with Russian tanks. Hungary in 1956 and Prague in 1968. These countries gained freedom in 1988 when Sovjet-Union broke up.

Putin is modern day imperalist that wants to re-establish the reign of the Russian czar in it’s former colonies. Museveni respects him because Putin is an autocrat and he understands the desire to rule neighboring countries. M7 loves meddling in Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania & Kenya.

M7 & Muhoozi want to rule the whole of East-Africa by force. Putin is obviously fine with this and that’s why he supplies our dictator with Russian arms, bought with money we borrowed from @IMFNews and selling slaves in the Middle East. Putin does not want change in Uganda.

This is why it’s important to morally support our comrades in Ukraine, that were only liberated from dictatorship 10 years ago. We stand with Ukraine!

UPDF committing atrocities

A video surfaced on February 15, 2022 apparently showing Soldiers wearing Uganda Peoples’ Defense Force (UPDF) uniform posing with dead bodies in civilian clothings.

The dead appear to include a middle aged woman, an elderly woman and several men. The video shows their hands being tied, which indicates they were executed. One of the man’s head was chopped off.

The soldiers were speaking Swahili and Luganda languages commonly used by Uganda security forces. Civil society organizations have condemned the soldiers actions calling them repugnant and a dishonor to the dead.

Although the Ugandan government has not failed to give almost daily briefings about the supposed advances of the ‘most disciplined army in the world’ in the fight against ADF, it has not issued any comments about this atrocity.

UN Human Rights council ‘reviews’ Uganda

The full video of the session can be found here:

Although there are some members that have good recommendations; they only have 90 seconds time. Many countries are dictatorship committing human rights violations themselves, don’t expect any positive contribution from them. But there also many tiny states like Fiji, that have no clue what is going on in Uganda.

No human rights organisations, that know what is going on, are given the floor.

However, the country under review (Uganda) gets a lot of time to present their story. The dis-information is well presented, while the contributions of the members states are all over the place.

The result is a total mess.

Here are the members of the UN Human Right Council

H.E. Ms. Eunice Kigenyi, Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargé D’affaires (Introduction)
H.E. Mr. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Head of Delegation

1 Italy, Mr. Gian Lorenzo Cornado @italyun_geneva
2 Japan, Mr. Yoshiyuki Yamada
3 Kenya, Ms. Lucy Kiruthu
4 Latvia, Ms. Elina Bracina @elinabraslina
5 Libya, Mr. Akram Alshybani
6 Luxembourg, Ms. Anne-Sophie Rauchs
7 Malawi, Mr. Pacharo Kayira
8 Malaysia, Ms. Rina Hanis Rodzli
9 Maldives, Mr. Hassan Hussain Shihab
10 Mali, Mr. Mamadou Henri Konate
11 Malta, Mr. Christopher Grima
12 Mauritania, Ms. Diamilatou Dia
13 Mauritius, Ms. Usha Chandnee Dwarka-canabady
14 Mexico, Mr. Raúl Vargas Juárez
15 Montenegro, Ms. Slavica Milacic
16 Mozambique, Mr. Amadeu Da Conceição
17 Namibia, Mr. Jerry Mika
18 Nepal, Ms. Chandika Pokhrel
19 Netherlands, Ms. Simone Gerrits
20 Niger, Mr. Amadou Issaka
21 Nigeria, Ms. Odunola Y. Oduwaiye
22 Norway, Ms. Jannicke Graatrud
23 Oman, Mr. Abdullah Al Riyami
24 Pakistan, Mr. Afaq Ahmad
25 Paraguay, Ms. Carmen Parquet
26 Philippines, Mr. Evan P. Garcia
27 Poland, Mr. Zbigniew Czech
28 Portugal, Mr. Gonçalo Ferraz De Lima Sanchez Da Motta
29 Qatar, Mr. Talal Al-naama
30 Republic of Korea, Ms. Yena Yoo

H.E. Mr. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Head of Delegation (Comments and Answers)
Mr. Kiryowa Kiwanuka, Delegation of Uganda
Mr. Peter Wambi, Delegation of Uganda
H.E. Mr. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Head of Delegation

31 Russian Federation, Ms. Kristina Sukacheva
32 Senegal, Mr. Amadou Dame Sall
33 Serbia, Mr. Dejan Zlatanovic
34 Sierra Leone, Mr. Samuel Housman Buggie Saffa
35 Slovenia, Ms. Ursa Pponikvar
36 South Africa, Ms. Portia Lindiwe Mngomezulu
37 South Sudan, Mr. Garsiano Mogga Elia Waja
38 Spain, Ms. Aurora Diaz-Rato Revuelta
39 Sri Lanka, Mr. C.A. Chandraprema
40 Sweden, Mr. Fredrik Nivaeus
41 Switzerland, Mr. Félix Baumann
42 Timor-Leste, Ms. Ralyana Maria Horta Ribeiro
43 Togo, Mr. Tmanawoe Tazo
44 Tunisia, Mr. Anouar Missaoui
45 Ukraine, Ms. Nataliia Tsyhulova
46 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ms. Laura

47 Frances Callaghan-Pace
48 United Republic of Tanzania, Ms. Maimuna Tarishi
49 United States of America, Ms. Delaney Felker
50 Uruguay, Ms. Carla Giovanoni
51 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Mr. Félix Peña Ramos
52 Zambia, Mr. Inyambo Liboma
53 Algeria, Mr. Lazhar Soualem
54 Angola, Ms. Margarida Rosa da Silva Izata
55 Argentina, Mr. Christian Machuca
56 Armenia, Ms. Armine Petrosyan
57 Australia, Ms. Ruxandra Voinov
58 Austria, Mr. Michael Pfeifer
59 Azerbaijan, Ms. Marziyya Vakilova-Mardaliyeva
60 Bahamas, Ms. Sasha Dixon
61 Bangladesh, Ms. Shanchita Haque
62 Barbados, Mr. Ricardo Kellman
63 Belgium, Ms. Lisa Van Geesbergen
64 Botswana, Mr. Dimpho Tsiane
65 Brazil, Mr. Benhur Peruch Viana
66 Burkina Faso, Mr. Pime Germain Zong-Naba

H.E. Mr. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Head of Delegation (Comments and Answers)
Mr Joel Cox Juuko, Delegation of Uganda
Mr. Safia Nalule Juuko, Delegation of Uganda
H.E. Mr. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Head of Delegation
Mr. Benard Mujuni, Delegation of Uganda
H.E. Mr. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Head of Delegation

67 Burundi, Mr. Nitunga Pacifique
68 Cabo Verde, Ms. Clara Delgado Jesus
69 Canada, Ms. Nadine Khoury @khourynn
70 Chile, Ms. Montserrat Fuentes @Montserrat_aFC
71 China, Mr. Jiang Duan
72 Congo, Mr. Gerard Ondongo
73 Costa Rica, Ms. Catalina Devandas Aguilar
74 Côte D’Ivoire, Mr. Kouame François
75 Cuba, Ms. Lisandra Astiasaran
76 Cyprus, Ms. Olympia Neocleous
77 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mr. Han Tae Song
78 Denmark, Mr. Søren Høgsbro Larsen @dkinUganda
79 Djibouti, Mr. Houmed Gaba Maki Houmed Gaba
80 Dominican Republic, Mr. Héctor Virgilio Alcántara
81 Ecuador, Ms. Patricia Borja
82 Egypt, Ms. Yasmeen Khattab
83 Estonia, Ms. Katrin Saarsalu-Layachi
84 Eswatini, Ms. Bawelile Simelane
85 Ethiopia, Ms. Yibza Aynekullu Tesfaye
86 Fiji, Ms. Robyn-Ann Mani
87 Finland, Ms. Kirsti Kauppi @KirstiKauppi
88 France, Ms. Emmanuelle Lachaussée
89 Gabon, Ms. Nadege Moucketou Mvou
90 Georgia, Mr. David Jalagania
91 Germany, Mr. Ralf Schröer @GermanyUNGeneva

92 Ghana, Ms. Akousa Okyere-badoo
93 Holy See, Mr. John Putzer
94 Iceland, Ms. Ólöf Hrefna Kristjánsdóttir
95 India, Mr. Pawankumar Badhe
96 Indonesia, Mr. Agustinus Anindityo Adi Primasto
97 Iraq, Mr. Alaa Sami
98 Ireland, Mr. Michael Gaffey @IrelandUNGeneva @irishMissionUN